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B’ZEOS Granted By the ERA-NET Co Fund BlueBio

The main objective of PlastiSea is to develop the novel enhanced bioplastic developed by B’ZEOS using cultivated species of brown algae as the main source.

The brown algae are cultivated by our seaweed farmer partner Seaweed Energy Solution and will be processed by one of Europe's largest independent research organizations, SINTEF. The project will thus provide innovative and sustainable bioplastic substrates with promising properties, and simultaneously add value to a growing seaweed industry in Europe.

Global impact of Seaweed Biomass

The seaweed biomass will be processed to obtain polysaccharide-rich fractions, employing various degrees of refinement toward high-volume applications in the food industry as well as high-performance products for the biomedical sector.

Novel bioplastic substrates will be developed with a focus on competitive structural properties and biodegradability, utilizing inherent properties of seaweed polysaccharides combined with novel bioplastic formulations and structuring technology.

High-volume products will be developed toward pilot-scale manufacture and future industrial-scale implementation after the project's end. The value chain from raw material to products will be evaluated from an environmental and economic perspective to identify and address challenges and opportunities in scaling and ensure a sustainable pipeline for value creation.

The project is financed through the first call of the ERA-BlueBio Co-fund (

Partners are :

  • SINTEF Industry (NO, coordinator)

  • Seaweed Energy Solutions AS (NO)

  • B'ZEOS AS (NO)

  • Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (SE)

  • Aalborg University (DK)

  • Aitiip Centro Tecnologico (ES)

Find out more about the Project Plastisea Project

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